If you watched the movie “Hidden Figures,” you would quickly perceive Sharon McDougle as fitting right into the list of impressive women who defied the odds and have made a difference in history.

Sharon McDougle is the notable NASA space shuttle crew member who suited up the first African American-American female, Mae Jamison, for the Sept. 22, 1992, historic mission STS-47 aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor. I asked Sharon if she would share with us about her faith and life over 50.suited up

“My father died when I was four years old, and my mother was killed in a car accident when I was seven years old. I became very withdrawn and was angry with God for taking my parents – I just didn’t understand why he wanted to take them away from me. I can recall walking to a small neighborhood church, holding my mama’s hand, happy as can be, just to be with her. After she was killed (not too far from the church or our house), I never returned to the church. I lived with my sister and her family, and she didn’t attend church. I missed it at first, but then I started not care because I was mad at God for taking my parents.

Years went by, and I think I attended church only a couple of times during my school years – and I didn’t like what I saw or heard. I’ve always believed there is a God – but I was still angry. Even though God took my parents, I still believed and felt that He and my parents were watching over me because I could have easily been a statistic (pregnant teen, high school dropout, etc.). I believe I was successful because of my faith; even through my anger, I still had faith in God.

Just the way things fell into place for my career – it had to be nothing but God! I Graduated high school with no funding to attend college; I didn’t know what I was going to do.

I joined the Air Force after a recruiter spoke to our class my senior year. I had an amazing career in the Air Force but decided to get out after serving two terms. I was out for approximately six months, and I was struggling – sleeping on a friend’s futon, cleaning office buildings at night, and putting price tags on clothes in a warehouse on days – both were part-time jobs, so no benefits.

The opportunity to work for NASA came about out of the blue. A friend who I used to be in the Air Force with called me (mind you, we hadn’t been in contact with each other for more than a year), but, somehow, he found me (God). There was an immediate opening to fit my skill set: I interviewed over the phone and was hired on the spot (nothing but God)! I started at the bottom of the totem pole and ended my career as manager of my department (without a college degree) – just good old grit and determination…and GOD!!Suited up 2

As a young adult, I did return to church and was discouraged once again, so I stepped away again. When I married and had my children, I returned to church.

My faith has been strong my entire life and has helped me through difficult times. I thank God for all the people he placed in my life to help me throughout these years and for watching over my family.

Now that I’m over 50, I feel even more empowered than ever (mind you, I’ve always felt empowered since my late teens). I don’t let the little things get to me; I’ve also learned to walk more often and take myself out of situations instead of always feeling the need to defend against or battle with someone. When I was a younger woman, I think I actually liked doing battle with others, winning arguments, and proving someone wrong. Now, I choose not to – less stress on myself and more peace on the inside and outside.

I am definitely enjoying life more, kind of like a new sense of freedom. Since high school, I’ve had the attitude of not caring what others think of me, and it holds true even more now. I do what makes me happy (dress in silly costumes, tell silly jokes, go on adventures, etc.). If it’s something I want to do or try, I do it!!

I am so looking forward to more travel in the future. I so love to travel to different places. I want to explore the US of A more. We always tend to go abroad when we vacation when there’s so much right here at home that I haven’t seen.

My advice to other women over fifty – Do You, Boo!! Don’t worry about what your friends or anyone else may think. If you want to color your hair a crazy color, go skydiving, or take a dance class, take a vacation all by yourself – DO IT!! Life is too short to sweat the small stuff (and small stuff which, includes what someone may think of you). START LIVING TODAY!!!!”

Staying true to her convictions to “Do You, Boo!” Sharon has since written a successful and inspiring children’s book called “Suit Up For Launch With Shay!”  


Launching a Business at 58

New York Times Best Selling Romance Novelist On Being Over 50

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5 thoughts

  1. Growing and experiencing brings a defferent perspective. Your posts are refreshing. I am 69 and most happy with who I am (always have been).


  2. I was feeling lowly and watched a ministry on tv it uplifted me; grandmom-mom of 6 now I am on my computer desiring to communicate or contact other women in my age category. Yes, I watched the movie Hidden Figures and enjoyed every scene. I stumbled by no conscience of my own (God) upon your story thank-you sister for you blessed me in to go on vacation alone. God is all I really have, he is all I need. Amen


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